Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Quiero Regresar

The last couple days of the trip were very exciting yet sad. The final Thursday we were there we had our last reflection at Corey and Lara's house and got to talk with Leticia about Atraves and her involvement and ask her any questions we had. The following day was our last day at the school and that evening we went back for their Mother's Day party and got to see lots of dances and songs performed by the kids. We got to take pictures with them and dance with them and say our goodbyes. It was a very very hot and sunny afternoon that got cloudy and right as we got on the bus to leave it started to pour and was thundering and lightning, somewhat to fit our moods of sadness that this was the last time we would see these kids. They were all by our bus windows waving and saying bye and it was very hard to think that these kids still have to live here. Every day, this is the reality they face, while we get to go back to the comfort of our own clean big homes with running water and electricity. As Leticia says, the kids are the hope of this community, and that is why the school is such an important place. I hope it is true and that these kids will help to improve the community, and when day when I go back, it will be a whole different place.

Saturday we left for our last weekend trip to la laguna. Our whole group got to stay by ourselves in a hostel and go swimming in the lake and make dinner and have our final reflection and just spend some time together before going home. Sunday we headed back to Managua for one last night with our families before leaving on Monday morning.

It was very sad to say goodbye to my host family. They allowed me to live in their house for a month and treated me like part of their family. I hope to one day go back and be able to visit Nicaragua again and see them or have them come here so I can welcome them into my home and show them around Michigan, because they were so kind and loving to me. Monday morning we all got on the bus and headed to the airport, a few people with tears in their eyes as we pulled away from La Morazon, our neighborhood. We had a long day and finally arrived safely in Michigan and couldn't believe how fast the month had gone by.

Since being home, I think about Nicaragua a lot. I miss all the wonderful people that I met, including my group members from the University of Michigan. I hope to incorporate all the things I learned while I was there into my daily life. I hope to show kindness to others the way I was shown kindness there. I hope to work hard and do my best to help others and for the benefit of the whole group. I hope to appreciate everything I have, after seeing what simple lives many other people live and I hope to be happy and have a positive and enthusiastic spirit that will make someone else's day a little better.

Un día, quiero regresar a Nicaragua! Adios!


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